The Flame Lily Foundation endeavours to assist former residents of Rhodesia / Zimbabwe who are legal permanent residents of South Africa. We provide or facilitate Residential Accommodation for persons over the age of 60, where possible.
When called upon, we provide limited welfare assistance to deserving former residents of Rhodesia / Zimbabwe, in particular to the aged and the disabled.
We also endeavour to preserve the heritage of Rhodesia and to promote interest in the country’s history and culture.
To achieve these objects, we rely on the goodwill of the South African community, former residents of Rhodesia in general, and dedicated volunteers in particular.
“Keeping the Flame alive”
The Flame Lily Foundation (FLF) is registered with the South African Department of Social Development as a non-profit organisation with welfare and cultural objectives (Registration Number 001-747 NPO), run for Rhodesians by Rhodesians.
We rely entirely on the goodwill of volunteers to achieve our objectives in South Africa and abroad. Our principal objective is to provide or facilitate residential accommodation for former residents of Rhodesia / Zimbabwe.
We promote, further and secure the interests of former residents of Rhodesia living in South Africa in a variety of ways.
For example, we established a good working relationship with the Zimbabwe Government Pensions Office in Harare.
This enabled us to help certain pensioners to overcome their problems until pensions ceased to be remitted altogether. We have set up a project to assist pensioners, whose pensions have been withheld in Zimbabwe, to have them restored after 2009.
Another example is the strong submission made by the FLF to the Broadcasting Complaints Commission against the SABC, thus vindicating former Rhodesian Security Forces who had been falsely accused of carrying out “necklacing” during hostilities in Rhodesia.
The primary goal of the FLF as we move forward is to work to provide assistance through food cards to our needy pensioners.
The FLF is also concerned with the preservation of the history and heritage of Rhodesia.
We want our children and future generations to have access to an accurate record of the Rhodesian era.
To this end, we have a reference and film library in Cape Town at Livingstone House in Rondebosch, and have passed valuable records to the United Kingdom for long-term preservation in a Museum. We also promote the dissemination of accurate information of historical significance on Rhodesia.
We commemorate events such as the Centenary Celebrations in 1990 and Remembrance Sunday annually to ensure that we do not forget our heritage and those who lost their lives for Rhodesia.
The FLF keeps its members informed on matters of mutual interest by means of newsletters, an annual magazine, and e-mails of special interest on developments in Zimbabwe.
We provide opportunities for our members and friends to meet socially, and promote the camaraderie that is so important in “Keeping the Flame alive”.
For further details, please contact:
Lawrie Marshall
Flame Lily Foundation
Cell: +27 (0)83 228 7460
Or email the Vice Chairman at
The Flame Lily Foundation (FLF) has a National Managing Committee which is elected at each annual General Meeting by delegates from the Branches.
The purpose of the National Managing Committee is to represent the interests of the Association at national level.
The National office is situated in Pretoria.
National Managing Committee
Chairman: Spyro Blismas
Vice Chairman: Lawrie Marshall
National Secretary: Chris Whitehead
Treasurer: John Parsons
Contact Lawrie Marshall for all enquires.
Cape Peninsula members receive the Fish Eagle Newsletter.
Flame Lily Foundation – Cape of Good Hope teas are generally held on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 10 AM, at the Bowling club in Fish Hoek.
Chairman: Val Mason
Phone: +27 (0) 82 538 5019
Vice Chairman: Tony Rozemeyer
Phone: +27 (0) 21 788 7274
Cell: +27 (0) 61 817 6054
Treasurer / Welfare Coordinator: Rosalie Holmes
Cell: +27 (0) 82 877 1301
P.O.Box 74 | Newlands 7725 | Cape Town | South Africa
Durban members receive the Ridgeback Newsletter.
Chairman: Peter Shattock
Cell: +27 (0) 82 512 6056
Secretary: Marlene Camps
Cell: +27 (0) 79 798 1595
Welfare: Heather Walker
Cell: +27 (0) 83 322 3236
Email: Marlene Camps
Coat of Arms
Registered by the South African Bureau of Heraldry, 16 October 1987 (Registration number: 1855)
The wavy line separating the “chief” (white) from the “field” (green) symbolises the Limpopo River. The red lion comes from the Coat of Arms of C.J. Rhodes and the British South Africa Company (holding the elephant tusk) symbolising the history and heritage of Rhodesia. On either side of the Rhodesian Lion, the Protea and the Flame Lily, being the national flowers of South Africa and Rhodesia, symbolises both cultures in one country. The gold pick is derived from the Rhodesian Coat of Arms, symbolising prosperity through work. Crest (above the helmet) The Sable Antelope, national animal of Rhodesia and part of the Rhodesian Coat of Arms, rises proudly, symbolising the spirit of Rhodesians.
Wreath and Mantling
Green and gold, the colours of the wreath and mantling of the Rhodesian Coat of Arms, symbolises the rich vegetable and mineral resources of both Rhodesia and South Africa.
SIT DIGNITAS EX UNITATE – may worthiness arise from unity.
“Sit … digna” from the motto of Rhodesia; “ex unitate” from the motto of South Africa in 1980.
Rhodesians (the Lion) have translocated their culture (the Flame Lily) across the Limpopo River to share the culture of South Africa (the Protea).
The Rhodesian spirit (the Sable) rises indomitable from a proud history and heritage.
Our reputation as a community depends upon our ability to unite for the benefit of all.
Rise, O Voices of Rhodesia
Rise, O voices of Rhodesia.
God may we thy bounty share
Give us strength to face all danger and,
where challenge is, to dare.
Guide us, Lord, to wise decision,
ever of thy grace aware.
Oh, let our hearts beat bravely always,
for this land within thy care.
Rise, O voices of Rhodesia,
bringing her your proud acclaim,
Grandly echoing through the mountains,
rolling over far-flung plain.
Roaring in the mighty rivers, joining in
one grand refrain,
Ascending to the sunlit heavens,
telling of her honoured name.