The Flame Lily Foundation (FLF) comprises branches in areas where there is a concentration of members. Each branch has its own name and identity, but all operate under a common constitution for the Flame Lily Foundation, incorporating the Rhodesia Association of South Africa (RASA). Each branch has a Managing Committee which runs the affairs of the branch. These include social activities, welfare assistance, fund-raising events and publication of a newsletter for their members.
“Keeping the Flame alive”
Flame Lily Foundation – Flame Lily Foundation, Cape of Good Hope continues to organize regular meetings at the Fish Hoek Bowling Club, at 10am on the fourth Wednesday of every month.
Sometimes historic Rhodesia Information Service films have been screened and sometimes we have had guest speakers.
Every year, we organize a Remembrance service on the 1st Sunday of November at Fish Hoek Methodist Church.
We also invite members to an end of year Braaivleis at Livingstone House every December.
Follow our Facebook Page - Flame Lily Foundation-Cape of Good Hope
See the Cape of Good Hope Picture Gallery
View the Fish Eagle Magazine HERE
Cape Town has many important historic links with Rhodesia. The Founder of Rhodesia, Cecil John Rhodes, was also Prime Minister of the Cape, and we are blessed by Kirstenbosch Gardens and the Groote Schuur Estate which the Founder gifted to the people of the Cape, along with Rhodes Memorial which the people of the Cape erected to his memory, and Rhodes Cottage where CJR passed away.
Barely a mile away from Rhodes Cottage is Saint James hotel, where the last Prime Minister of Rhodesia, Ian Douglas Smith, passed away.
We also have a famous statue of Cecil John Rhodes in the Gardens of Cape Town.
In this volatile age of Rhodes Must Fall cancel culture, arson attacks and pulling down of historic monuments, Flame Lily Foundation- Cape of Good Hope has had the privilege of Standing up and articulating the case for CJR at public meetings, on radio programs, TV programs and in interviews and Letters to the Editor of local community newspapers and overseas magazines.
We have also been involved in mobilizing manpower for several work parties in helping to repair, clean up and preserve Rhodes Memorial and support Rhodes Cottage events.
These initiatives were reported on in local community newspapers.
Chairman: Val Mason
Phone: +27 (0) 82 538 5019
Vice Chairman: Tony Rozemeyer
Phone: +27 (0) 21 788 7274
Cell: +27 (0) 61 817 6054
Treasurer / Welfare Coordinator: Rosalie Holmes
Cell: +27 (0) 82 877 1301
P.O.Box 74 | Newlands 7725 | Cape Town | South Africa
Durban members receive the Ridgeback Newsletter.
Chairman: Peter Shattock
Cell: +27 (0) 82 512 6056
Secretary: Marlene Camps
Cell: +27 (0) 79 798 1595
Welfare: Heather Walker
Cell: +27 (0) 83 322 3236
Email: Marlene Camps